Beauty of the beholder....

Is beauty in the eye of the beholder?

Perhaps it is felt through the heart.

Our eyes are the windows to our souls but its our tears that baptise us through the agony.

Despite it all can you still look them in the eye?

Even if we close our eyes, we are still reminded of the memories that hang in our mind.

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The tide of her body...

She closed her eyes as she pulled her swimmers over the curves of her body.

There is anxiety around showing parts of her body, she would prefer to keep in the dark.

We forget that the curves of the shorelines along the beach are beautiful and constant – a reminder that each tide brings with it new stories.

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BODY IMAGEFallon Drewett
Restoration Me

We don’t always know people’s stories.

Especially when it comes to their bodies, how they feel about them and their relationship with it.

For many years I have written about body image, even created projects based on the power and beauty of our bodies. I have built a community of building up women, it is one of my favourite things in the world.

We know that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. How our bodies morph over time, how they can change with the seasons of our lives.

Our bodies won’t always look the same.

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The female body needs a Renaissance

THE FEMALE BODY is pretty amazing.

And you know what the most amazing part about it is?

There are so many different shapes, sizes, colours, abilities, imperfections and silhouettes.

We can get lost in the trickery of all the dialogue out there, preying on our insecurities. There is so much negative narratives, disguised as helpful, but it is confusing because it is wrapped in perceived perfection.

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The real revolution where we all can eat cake...

As women we feel the pressures to be perfect, to be more than we are.

Now is the time to disrupt to start the Real Revolution.

Time to redefine beauty, by not looking at our bodies but asking how does your body feel?

Our bodies are not decorations they are machines that are strong and powerful.

In a world where we spend more on beauty than education, now is the time to call out on the manipulation, perfect illusions, Facetune, photoshop and filter.

Covering up is not how we fix the problem, education is. Self-love and care is vital to changing the mindset and stereotypes ingrained in our culture.

Now it the time to be real. And by real I mean being you, what you feel deep within your skin- your truth, your purpose, your passion.

Forget the labels with the numbers on them the only label you need to love is the one called “MY SIZE.”

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