Is truth in the eye of the beholder?



Dear gorgeous ones,

You are a bright and sparkly human.

Today is the day to use your energy for good, to create, heal, maybe even manifest.

We all can glow. Not everything is gloom.

How do we surface from all the chaos, opinions, doom, white noise, beliefs, he said, she said, news, of late, that many of us feel like we are drowning in?

Where is balance hiding?  Where is the sacred ground of balance?

In fact, if we search a bit deeper, we hold the answer, the balance lives within us.

We are not going to always going to find balance on the news, media, and we sure as hell are not going to find it scrolling on social media. 

No balance doesn’t sell. It doesn’t ensure outrage, conflict or anger enough.  

Keeping our opinions to ourselves doesn’t give us attention or likes. If we do, we are accused of fence sitting, or showing support for the wrong cause, or right depending on who you speak to.

Yes, when we are searching for balance of late, we are lost, we don’t know what to believe or who to believe. Our smart televisions are in technicolour but all we can see is grey.

Perhaps we need to start believing in who we are a little more? Not rely on others opinions as much?

Our values and beliefs are as unique and different as the person who has them. So why do we use them against one another?  There is so much literature out there speaking to kindness, and how it matters. Action speaks louder than memes.

I began my career 15 years ago in Journalism, it is the place where I crafted my skillset, part of who I am as a person, empath and storyteller; in some part it has made me passionate about our stories.

They matter.

It might be hard to believe, but I was taught that a great journalist has the ability to bring balance to a story, in fact it was vital to seek it out, without the right balance, the story could not be trusted.

It has been said “Never let the truth get in the way of a good story”. 

Others have said “Don’t ruin a good story with the truth.”

For some this might be true.  But for me the greatest stories, the bones of a great story are its truths.

And when it comes to truth, it is only us as individuals who choose what or who to believe.

Have you ever heard that there are two sides to every story and the truth lies somewhere in the middle or perhaps there is three sides to the story yours, theirs and the truth?

So confusing, no wonder some of us have trust issues.

We all can be our own truth tellers and there can be great leaps of faith and inspiration found when we reveal our truths, they can give us a different perspective, they helps find who we are.

But there may come a time where we have to ask ourselves:

 “Is it of value to me?”

“Is it of value to others?”

 “Will it help others?”

Some days we might need to hold off what we share or reveal, I know I have, and I am learning this more and more.

 Other days we may want to say or share one of our truths and it important we do; it is a fire in our bellies, and it could make real change.

For me my truth comes from a place of love.  That place of love is covered in glitter, it is always a montage of colour. It is a place, when I share, I want others feel the warmth and the glow of the greatest power we have…. Love. Love for ourselves and others.

Even as I am typing this, I feel that love is always the answer, a great story’s core is love.

Our greatest truths begin with love or even end with love.

Either way, our truth is the spark that gives light. It is up to us how we send that light out into the world.

JSP will always be a platform that champions everyone’s stories, lead love back to our lives and always say yes to colour.  

Big Love,


Fallon xoxo