Calling out your inner nonsense

Do you ever just get sick of yourself?

I do.

Lately I have been so sick of my own sh*%t.

Some days feel as if I am filled to brim with the same old toxic thoughts.

And it is boring.

Just when I think I have got the hang of letting go, not giving two hoots what others think and getting out of my own damn way – the cycle starts again.

I often think where in the world is the full stop in life that abruptly tells me to get over myself?

Harsh but true.  Today I shared a quote that said, “Always back yourself”. I can talk the talk when it comes to the philosophy of this idea but walking the walk towards tapping into my own abilities is another thing.

I am always second guessing.

 As I have got older, I am more indecisive, and I let other people’s behaviours affect my own abilities.

Its hogwash.

I never thought I was a bulls*%t artist, but some days if the shoe fits…

Have you ever had that moment, where you know what you have to offer is of value, that your question is of importance or your idea has merits, but you shy away?

Maybe there it is a moment when you are trying to have your voice heard, but is all too much, because there is so much white noise and talking.

We never see ourselves in the same light as another, instead we feed our inner beast with more all the crap that isn’t true.

Why do we shit all over ourselves? How do we forget about all the amazing qualities, abilities and bodies we have?

That’s the thing with waste, it rots and festers and, in some cases, can take centuries to turn to dust.

But maybe it is time to take all our personal crap and use it as fertilizer and learn to bloom, after all its our birthright.


Big Love


Fallon xoxo