The tide of her body...

She closed her eyes as she pulled her swimmers over the curves of her body.

There is anxiety around showing parts of her body, she would prefer to keep in the dark.

We forget that the curves of the shorelines along the beach are beautiful and constant – a reminder that each tide brings with it new stories.

As women we do a lot of body talk, mostly about what it looks, how it looks, and the worst what it SHOULD look like.

So much body talk, do we actually listen to ourselves?

Have we forgotten about our body language, what our bodies are saying to us.  The art of language is sexier than just talking.

Language is like the tide, it flows, has a rhythm.  The language we use gives our body soul. The words we whisper to ourselves don’t have to be weapons they can be medicine.

We have the power to heal our bodies – there are days when you need to leave your body alone.

Let it be.

There are moments where she feels bigger than her body – wanting to be smaller than what her body is.

The truth is her body is enough- just as it is.

We can find a way back to our bodies. Our scars, lines, marks, blemishes, wounds, smears, smudges have power, we don’t have to make them beautiful they are the life marks of our body’s landscape.

We can have parts of us that are ugly, but they are only a part- the whole is beautiful.

She can work her body, but she must remember to give it a rest.

To find peace as the waves crash, rocking her body back and forth- finding a moment of solitude where no words are spoken.

Instead, it is thoughts. Appreciation for her body and the stories she gets to weave.

Leaving an imprint of her curves on the sand ,unafraid to be seen in the moment, before the tide washes over her.


BODY IMAGEFallon Drewett