What is our reputation worth in an era obsessed with opinions?

Everyone has one- an opinion that is, so when did we decide that opinions and beliefs about someone are true?

I was recently at a business leaders’ dinner and one of the speakers spoke about the importance of our reputation. Her words really resonated with me, that once we strip back our careers, houses, clothes and possessions- all we are left with is our reputation.

Our reputation is one of our greatest assets in life, it works alongside our moral compass, guiding us in what we hope is the right direction.

And it is our choices, how we treat other people and our integrity that will build our reputation, rather than what others believe is true or false about who we are.

There is a line in Lavender Haze in Taylor Swift’s new album Midnights” I’m dammed if I do give a damn what people say “.

If there is one thing Taylor is, she is prolific and this lyric plays into the power of what others say about you and ultimately what you say about yourself.

Do we buy into other people's opinion of us? For the sake of our status, or do we ignore it and continue to build on our character?

There is a difference between our status and character. Status is based on the superficial, the material items in our lives, that make us look a certain way.

Character is our foundations, what we have lived through, survived, and thrived. Our character is the heart of who we are.

Today as a society our reputation is based on our status, curating a trendy polished life. We have forgotten that being authentic and real to our character is far more rewarding than keeping up with Kardashians.

The less we give a damn about what people say about us, their opinion or what they heard about us is when we start to live our life on our terms, using our authenticity to peel back the cloak of reputation.

Because once we reveal who we are, what we stand for and how we treat others- nothing else matters.

As Joan Jett and the Blackhearts sung “A girl can do what she wants to do and that is what I’m gonna do.”

Be true to your character not the status of the modern world – let your essence and vibe build your reputation and your moral compass to remind you to share your light with others.

Big Love

Fallon xox

Photo love: Coffee and Hops