Pocket Perspectives

Today amongst the chaos of the social media world and the world we live and breathe I wanted to silence some of the white noise.

I think it is a timely reminder that how we live and breathe as human beings, in essence comes back to kindness.

How we give it, use it, live by it and exchange it.

We are saturated with many opinions, beliefs, points of view, stories, nonfiction, fiction, biography and first-person accounts. All are of value, but not all are bible.

Each of us can believe what feels right in our hearts and minds. But the key is you can still love and value someone else, even if their story, opinion or beliefs are different to yours.

It is called RESPECT.

And how we learn RESPECT comes back to KINDNESS. You can not have one without the other.

Imagine a world if we took a moment to loan our kindness to someone else?

How would that make you feel?

Maybe that kindness can be given to someone we don’t agree with on a particular issue. I am sure if we came from a place of kindness, rather than fear, we would all learn something.

Not everyone is wrong and not everyone is right.

But I feel as humankind we are not RESPECTING others. We have forgotten that our strength lies in how we exchange kindness. Strength doesn’t lie in pointing out other people’s weaknesses or differences, it is about celebrating them and respecting what they bring to the world.

There is space for us, we just have to make more room for ALL.

Big Love,

Fallon xoxo

Each of us can believe what feels right in our hearts and minds. But the key is you can still love and value someone else, even if their story, opinion or beliefs are different to yours.