Oh for FOX sake

Oh, for FOX sake.  

Some days you just need to say fox.

Fox to how you are feeling. Fox to what life throws at us.

Maybe you are saying fox, because you forgot to put your mask on for the hundredth time or perhaps you say fox to things out of your control.

There are days when you have no other word to describe the day, month or year.

What the fox are you to do?

There is no denying we are living through a challenging time. It is a time where we a foxing all over the place. It is a time that will build our resilience. And when we build our resilience it is tough and at times, we are out of our comfort zone, but it teaches us who we are.

Whether we put on a mask or not.  Resilience teaches us first and then it shows us who we are and what we are capable of.

FOX yeah, we can live through hardship.  We can’t all be positive everyday but for fox sake we can find some good in the every day.

Despite the chaos and challenges that can overwhelm us, there are positives floating around us, waiting for us to catch them.

Lately I have felt a bit overwhelmed, irritable, feeling the weight of the elephant that likes to rest heavy on my chest.

I have felt unmotivated, feeling like it would be best to hibernate and escape.

A little bit like the fox. In literature and the media, the fox has been portrayed as being sly, mischievous, and even a trickster. However, in reality the fox’s personality is shy and timid, most of the time living a solitary life of its own.

And sometimes it can feel like you are on your own, when life starts to get a little tricky and overwhelming.

I think many of us can relate to the fox in many ways. Sometimes we are portrayed to be something we are not, whether that is by the stories we tell ourselves or the ones others believe or maybe make up.

In other ways, we can find comfort in having our own time to reconnect with who we are, our values, goals, time to get out of our own way, our funk, whatever the case may be.

The fox also can represent, being out there on your own, but it also symbolises the great strength and power we can find within ourselves.

And as it is said often this too shall pass and we will be get through the hardships and obstacles and hopefully come out stronger for it.

During my life I have worn many masks, to hide emotion, how I am feeling; to cover up what I thought was ugly, trying to hide parts of me I didn’t like. But with age comes more understanding that we don’t need to hide behind the masks we make. It is okay to be seen for who you are, not what you think people need to see.

Ironically at the moment we are wearing masks, and it symbolises a lot of conflict, divide, unrest, debate, safety, health, respect, doing the right thing, protecting ourselves , and doing our part for the greater good – or whatever you believe is your truth.

At the end of it all no mask physically or emotionally will hide who we. However, I do believe ripping off your mask when you get back to the car is the new taking off your bra when you get home.  Just Saying.

Big Love

Fallon xoxo