Life in your own lane

LIFE in your own LANE....

I have never been one for drama.

It makes my skin itch just thinking about it. For years I avoided confrontation, until I did the work, to be able to handle it in a mature way. Don’t get me wrong, my first thought is to hide, or just sweep it under the living room mat, but today I am not afraid of it.

But drama. I always try to avoid that, especially drama that has nothing to do with me. I think much of my distaste for drama, comes from the discussion or gossip of it- it’s a bit of the case of making a mountain out of a molehill or, don’t let the truth get in the way of a good story.

The first time I was caught in the middle of drama was in year five, 10-year-old-girls can be the worst. I found myself in the middle of friendship drama, bullying, girls taking sides, leaving another girl out, making fun and ganging up on another. Much of it to do with the pecking order, a lot to do about who was the Alpha female, the followers and who were the weak ones.

It is the tale as old as time and it is a shame to this day, there is still this discourse or women pitting against each other; an opportunity to speak ill, make assumptions based on hearsay and social whispers.

I would rather call out drama, rather than enter from stage right. If gossip is afoot, you will hear me change the subject pretty quick.

One of my favourite sayings from Eleanor Roosevelt is “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people”.

The insidious thing about drama, is it is fed by more drama and for me that has never been my thing, never been into it – unless it is Head of Drama Mr G.

I am a woman who stays in her lane. Always have. Always will.

While you might think it is boring or a constraint to stay in your lane, it is quite the opposite, it is freeing and can fill you with contentment.

The beauty of staying in your lane, also helps you build boundaries- who and what you let in, it helps us keep moving forward.

I am not perfect, and I worry what people think of me, but I try to see them as short pitstops.

Most of my life, I do what makes me happy, whether or not that makes me popular or if it has made me a bit left of centre or quirky. Ironically, I have a history of not liking confrontation, but will also stand up when something does not sit right with me or speak out against unnecessary drama.

In my senior years of school, I didn’t have one group of friends, I was a bit of gypsy, wandering between groups and forging lifelong friends on the way, all while trying to stay in my lane.

When you stay in your lane It doesn’t mean you are loner, rather it is about remembering it is the journey you are on, on your own terms with the people who are less about drama and more about support.

And in a way it has been part of my life’s philosophy- life in your own lane helps us enjoy the ride.

Big Love,

Fallon xoxo