Our voice is a choice


Easy to be taken away even harder to be guaranteed.


It is her option.

Her preference.

A woman’s voice.

Where is the freedom? Hidden in the dark;  muffled by his master’s voice.

It is a healthcare right- pro-choice.

To choose freely is to have an active voice.

When did a woman’s body become a game of multiple choice?

Where is a women’s power to choose?

Stop telling women what to do with their bodies.

The female body has its own stories, each one a woman’s own – it will no longer be spoken in a passive voice.

She has the right to decisions- safety, options and freedoms, they are not a privilege to be earned based on how she live her life, what she believes, her traumas or social standing.

Women are already hiding, hiding from all the voices and opinions of others who have never had to make life changing decisions.

What she has lived through is always in her head voice.


Women will not be silenced- you can’t press mute on our uterus, our mind our heart- those parts of us are not a wee small voice.

A woman’s voice is not a Rolls-Royce – a luxury only a few can afford.


Don’t you make decisions for me with that tone of voice.

Choices are not to be made in a low voice our vocal rage is a tenor.

Women have lived through plagues; they have cleaned their fair share of messes we don’t always make.

Women have had to make the choice in the darkness of fear and desperation.

Her decision was not taken lightly but was what is best for her and her life.

Women cannot rejoice.

No singing voice.

Just screams.

When will we see our Age of Rebirth?

The modern woman trapped in a time warp- and only our collective voice will bring us freedom.

To sing at last.


Big Love,



POETRYFallon Drewett