The season of life...

Seasons are not just reserved for a calendar year.

While today marks September 1, the beginning of spring, a moment to rebirth, a time to shake off the chills that have been haunting us.

I feel that we go through so many seasons of our life, and they remind us that we can do hard things and that beautiful things will find us.

I have been guilty of wishing for another season of my life. As a mother I need to check myself when I am wishing for those hard days to be over, the struggles and the days that a long, but end up being the shortest years of your life.

There are seasons of our lives that we sometimes forget to appreciate and then there are the seasons that have defined us, made us the people we are.

We are not always going to be struggling in the winter, waiting for a break from the harsh elements that surround us- there will be light, a beam of the sun, helping to melt even the hardest of personal glaciers. We need the winter to acknowledge the darkness won’t last forever, it prepares us for the unknown, to find solace in a whisper of time, to find comfort in solitude.

We will have our time in the sun. The warm glow, that surrounds us, protects us. The glow that gives us the confidence, the abundance of happiness to create love, fall in love and believe in love.

There will be seasons of rebirth, a renaissance, where we find what was once lost. We find our creativity; we relish in the power of our bodies, and we garden our mind to nurture the person we always have been. Where there is a change in season, comes a shift so powerful, you will feel you can move mountains.

And we cannot forget autumn, a time of reflection. A place often forgotten, unseen, but is perhaps the most beautiful of seasons. It is a place where you restore balance, sit back and look at the life you have created, embracing those in your life who have made it the most incredible life. It is a season of beauty and freedom. A place to lay all your truth on the table. A place where you relish in the sprinkles of experiences that hold not just value to you, but those in your life. It is a season where the layers, like leaves peel away, and what is left is you in all your grandeur.

 So today, don’t wish for another season of life, they speed by so quickly.  There is so much joy, pain, beauty, growth and freedom to be found in each season.

We are given this one life, such a gift, it is our privilege to live each season as if we have never see it before.


Big Love


Fallon xoxo