Beauty of the beholder....

Is beauty in the eye of the beholder?

Perhaps it is felt through the heart.

Our eyes are the windows to our souls but its our tears that baptise us through the agony.

Despite it all can you still look them in the eye?

Even if we close our eyes, we are still reminded of the memories that hang in our mind.

I have always believed you can see the kindness of someone in their eyes.

The truth can be revealed when someone keeps eye contact, not afraid of the fallout.

Onions make your eyes sting, even if you wear goggles.

Seeing is believing.

Always look on the bright side, it can be found in the smallest of twinkles.

Most of us have two eyes, but we don’t always share the same view. We need to respect that and keep moving on.

There is a difference between sight and vision.

Love is blind for some while others live life with rosΓ© coloured glasses.

We are told to keep our eyes on the prize, but life happens when we take notice of what sparkles.

The magic of our eyes, gives us the power to connect.

No matter the colour, shape or ability our eyes tell the story of us, our family tree.

When we look closer and deeper, our eyes reflect the world, a small drop of the universe.

Big love Fallon