The new wave of women...

Say HER name in a room full of opportunities.  

Congratulate HER.

Amplify HER.

Is female competition still a thing in this era of women’s empowerment?  

Female Rivalry a tale as old as time.

We tag future is female, but we are still signing up to the Clandestine Women’s Club.

A club were women’s intentions, words, feelings, judgements, and opinions are veiled and gossiped with a select few.

I like to think women are better than this – there is a new wave of women.

This wave is paved through advocacy for other women, their purpose, passion and work.  

The new wave of women doesn’t want seats at the table, they are building their own tables.

The new wave of women are original, vulnerable and don’t have time for games or petty chatter.   

It isn’t just about turning up, being seen, it is about mentorship, friendship and building authentic relationships.

Creating opportunities for other women while acknowledging her struggles and reaching out for her hand.

Acknowledge another woman’s ideas, support them and give credit where it is due- it isn’t fashionable to throw them under the bus.

Be a sounding board, be open to new friendships and be generous with your conversations.

It is okay to praise women publicly, and it is more than okay to praise yourself for your accomplishments.

At the end of the day women don’t become more successfully by casting shade and making other women feel smaller.

No, success can be found in that room where women are sharing the stories, talents, skills and potential with other women.

Ditch the veil of female competitiveness, which is laced with unrealistic feminine ideals of perfection.

You can build, find or move a table where likeminded women are laying new foundations of empowerment, through leading by example.

Be that woman, who knows a woman, that tells a woman HER value and contribution.

Big love,

Fallon xox