Posts tagged inspiration
IWD 2019: Balance for better...

Today’s feature for our #balanceforbetter online campaign is Suzanne Brown, Director (Solicitor) and QLS Business Law Accredited Specialist from McKays Solicitors.

 Suzanne  believes International Women’s Day brings into focus, and gives an opportunity to celebrate some of the amazing and accomplished women in the Mackay region.

“Women are literally taking over the world! I feel like in a few years we will be having a conversation about how to re-engage men…and having an International Men’s Day!”

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Once Upon A Female: Clare Desira making happiness a habit one top five at a time

CLARE Desira laughs through the phone; it is infectiously light and warm like a hug. Her happiness beams through her voice and her tone sounds at ease, content and connected with who she is. Clare believes that happiness is a habit and it is this belief that is the foundation of the Top Five Movement, she is the founder of. The Top Five Movement in essence is simple tools for a happier life.

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